The development of the American Doorstop Project will include the following resources:

  • Legacy Book
  • Website and accompanying Social Media sites:
    • Facebook
    • Twitter
    • YouTube
    • Instagram

These resource will connect presenters, public speakers, educators, docents and students with historical facts, narratives, events, stories and multi-media that give us insight to our country’s beautiful heritage.

There will be an underlying thread and relationship to our Agrarian Foundation that has built America into what it is today — A great nation that continues to supply the needs for our communities as well as the world.

“The Doorstop” is a visual icon for pausing to learn of an interesting historic event that may have gone unnoticed or been forgotten yet very valuable to our “American Story” worthy of commemoration.

Dedicated time and resources will provide the legacy narrative for generations to come. Call it “Hometown Pride” with a “National Spotlight” receiving the credit due for its contribution to our American History. It’s the chance to say, “America would not be the same if this event or activity did not pass by this exact location at this exact time.”