Preservation through Philanthropy


Patriot Partner ($50,000)

Stewardship Partner ($25,000)

Lasting Legacy Sponsor ($15,000)

Chautauqua Heritage Sponsor ($10,000)

Agrarian Ambassador Sponsor ($5,000)

Pioneer Sponsor ($0 – $5,000)

American Doorstop Project Partners and Sponsors are historic stewards who commit their resources for preservation support.

  • Development funds provide for the expenses related to securing;
  • Research and Development
  • Archive Retrieval
  • Collecting and Conducting Interviews with
    • National, State and Local Historians
    • Community Leaders and Organizations
    • Librarians
    • Experts
  • Connecting family members who have a direct link to the historical story and have the ability to support documentation and oral histories that accurately recreate the timeline and events.

Partnerships and Sponsorships inspire

  • American Doorstop Project’s scope and focus of American Agriculture through the Agrarian Discipline; our nation’s principle and founding industry.
  • Research of events, archaeological disciplines and narratives to understand the historical development.
  • Philanthropy through commitment for preservation management. They desire accurate documentation be shared publicly through creative formats.
  • Funding insures project timelines and objectives are met and commemoration is realized for the importance of their historical contribution.

Partnerships and Sponsorships develop

  • Document production for the American Doorstop Project’s story line.
  • Design visuals and displays to share forgotten historical facts and events.
  • Provide and assist in Interpretive Display Management.
  • Create timely and necessary commemorative materials for community and national distribution for strategic events.
  • Add new accurate research for historical preservation and archives.



Thank you for learning more about the American Doorstop Project and entrusting us to help tell, share and archive your story. Your generous financial support speaks highly of your stewardship for the cultural heritage that had shaped our country and will aid in our efforts to preserve and promote historical places, spaces and events. Please consider making a one-time or recurring donation today. It’s your chance to leave a Legacy!

Please send checks made payable to American Doorstop Project to:

American Doorstop Project
P.O. Box 50207
Billings, MT 59105